
Une archive numérique francophone des articles de recherche en Traitement Automatique de la Langue.

Modélisation des mouvements explicites dans les ACG avec le produit dépendant

Florent Pompigne

Abstract : Abstract Categorial Grammars (ACG) is a grammatical framework based on linear lambda-calculus. As in Muskens’ Lambda Grammars, an abstract term in this kind of categorial grammar can be realized in different directions, such as syntactic and semantic ones. This structure provides autonomy for these different processings. ACG’s architecture is independent from the logic used and so the type system is easily extensible in order to deal better with some linguistic phenomena. We will first introduce ACGs and the dependent product construction. This paper will then be concerned with the issue of overt grammatical movements, in particular extraction constraints in relative propositions, and how several close frameworks deal with it. Last we will show how to capture this phenomenon in extended ACG.

Mots clés : syntaxe, grammaires catégorielles abstraites, types dépendant, mouvements explicites, extraction

Keywords : Syntax, abstract categorial grammars, dependant product, overt movements, extraction