
Une archive numérique francophone des articles de recherche en Traitement Automatique de la Langue.

The Mitkov algorithm for anaphora resolution in Portuguese

Amanda Rocha-Chaves, Lucia-Helena Machado-Rino

Abstract : This paper reports on the use of the Mitkov´s algorithm for pronoun resolution in texts written in Brazilian Portuguese. Third person pronouns are the only ones focused upon here, with noun phrases as antecedents. A system for anaphora resolution in Brazilian Portuguese texts was built that embeds most of the Mitkov’s features. Some of his resolution factors were directly incorporated into the system; others had to be slightly modified for language adequacy. The resulting approach was intrinsically evaluated on hand-annotated corpora. It was also compared to Lappin & Leass’s algorithm for pronoun resolution, also customized to Portuguese. Success rate was the evaluation measure used in both experiments. The results of both evaluations are discussed here.

Keywords : Pronoun resolution, anaphora resolution