
Une archive numérique francophone des articles de recherche en Traitement Automatique de la Langue.

Navigation Aveugle des Pages Web sur Dispositifs Mobiles

Waseem Safi, Fabrice Maurel, Jean-Marc Routoure, Pierre Beust

Résumé : De nombreuses techniques spécialisés aux personnes déficientes visuelles ont réussi à extraire les informations affichées sur des écrans numériques et ont réussi à transformer ces informations d'une manière linéaire, soit dans un format écrit sur des dispositifs spéciaux en Braille ou en une sortie vocale. Toutefois, les lecteurs d'écran ne transforment pas la structure 2-dimensionnel de la page web navigué. Dans cet article, nous proposons une nouvelle technique vise à renforcer la capacité des personnes déficientes visuelles à naviguer le Web en se concentrant sur l'amélioration de l'accès vibrotactile non-visuel des pages web sur dispositifs mobiles, basée sur l'extraction et la réorganisation de la structure de textes et les éléments graphiques des pages web, et de conversion automatique de ces structures visuelles et des informations textuelles dans des pages vibrantes utilisant un langage vibro-tactile graphique.

Abstract : Nowadays, Touch-Screen devices are being used more and more, especially for web navigation. But the small screen size of these devices requires adapting web page contents to be browsed more conveniently. A fundamental step in a successful automatic adaptation process of a web page is perception its visual layout and mining its Document Object Model (DOM) structure. Considering that navigating the Web is one of important missions in the field of computer accessibility. Many specialized techniques for VIP (Visually Impaired People) succeeded to extract the information displayed on digital screens and succeeded to transform this information in a linear way either into a written format on special Braille devices, or into a vocal output using text to speech synthesizers. However, although this success, screen readers failed to transform the 2-dimentional structure of the navigated web page; despite many researches confirm that perception the structure enhances web navigation and memorization. In this paper, we propose a new technique aimed to enhance the VIP ability to navigate the Web by affording a “first glance” web page overview. This technique focuses on improving non-visual vibrotactile access to web pages on touch-screen devices, based on extraction and re-organization the structure of texts and graphical elements for web pages, reformatting and converting automatically these visual structures and textual information into vibrating pages using a graphical vibro-tactile language. We present also a new web-adapted supervised segmentation algorithm dedicated to vibro-tactile access on touch-screen devices. This suggested algorithm is fundamental in our framework. A comparison between automatic and manual segmented pages is presented. The objectives of this comparison are, on the one hand, to know how users understand web page layout structure based on their visual perception, and on the other hand, to explore the main differences between automatic and manual segmentation.

Mots clés : Touch-Screen devices, Document Object Model, Visually Impaired People, first glance, vibro-tactile.

Keywords : Touch-Screen devices, Document Object Model, Visually Impaired People, first glance, vibro-tactile.