
Une archive numérique francophone des articles de recherche en Traitement Automatique de la Langue.

Estimer la notoriété d’un nom propre via Wikipedia

Mouna Elashter, Denis Maurel

Abstract : Estimate the notoriety of a Proper name using Wikipedia. This paper proposes to use Wikipedia for calculating the notoriety of the entries of Prolexbase, a multilingual relational dictionary of proper names. This notoriety is language dependent. It will be a first step in the construction of an Arabic module of Prolexbase, it also will take part to the notoriety revision currently present for the other languages in the database. To calculate the notoriety, we present a multi criteria technique, the method SAW (preceded by the calculation of Shannon entropy), starting from five numerical values deduced from Wikipedia.

Keywords : Notoriety, Proper Name, Prolexbase, Wikipedia.